Saturday, April 27, 2013

Research Learning

Taking this course has been without a doubt beneficial; I had no knowledge about the types of designs of research that were available to me, such as qualitative and quantitative design. Qualitative design is an approach that involves a collection of text-based data that seeks for an understanding rather than an explanation (Mac Naughton, Rolfe, & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010). On the other hand, quantitative is an approach is a more specific way of collecting data in order to draw conclusions based on the hypothesis (Mac Naughton, Rolfe, & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010).I’ve learned that there are different approaches in research, such as: developmentalist, feminist, behavioralist, just to mention a few. Such ontologies and epistemologies that the researcher adopts is the information that would be reflected in the study.  

Throughout this course I’ve gained knowledge about the different stages of the research process and what those stages demand. In planning you have to pose a question about a general topic begin with the “how”, “what”, and “why”; then reduce it to subtopics and analyze the nature of the question. In designing the researcher has to look for the key issues such as validity, which will be achieved through triangulation. Triangulation means using different methods of gathering data so that the researcher has a better understanding to compare and contrast (Mac Naughton, Rolfe, & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010).

There were also challenges about understanding research design that had me confused. For instance, creating a good research question that is not too broad and that could be researchable. Thanks to the recommendation from Dr. Kien, it is easier for me to create a researchable question. She shared some scripts according to the type of question you are looking for. According to Cresswell (2008):

Descriptive Questions: How frequently do (participants) (variable) at (research site)?
Relationship Questions: How does (independent variable) relate to (dependent variable) for (participants) at (research site)?
Comparison Questions: How does (group 1) differ from (group 2) in terms of (dependent variable) for (participants) at (research site)?

An early childhood professional has to be aware of the different types of research that there are and the bias that it may contain. It is important that as professionals we stay critical about the types of research and be judgemental. For example, look for research that involves mixed methods, heterogenous approaches, consolidation of powers,

Creswell, J. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe, S.A., & Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). Doing early childhood research: International perspectives on theory and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Early Childhood Australia

Looking at the research index topics from Early Childhood Australia the most recent research were: quality in early childhood programs, pretend play and children with autism, home-school relationships, transition to school for young children with disabilities, supporting literacy through poetry in Greek primary schools, and much more. Not all of the research topics were available for free, only some, but they also had really good information in other free articles.

I read one of the free articles that they had available about defiant behavior in children. The article talked about Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) meaning children who are constantly disobedient and present a defiant behavior.  The study demonstrated that in classrooms where teacher acknowledges good behavior in children, rather focusing in defiant behavior, have a more positive environment for all children specifically ODD children. It was also wisely said that the teacher should model the behavior that she wants to see and find ways to reinforce it. The study also demonstrated that the earlier the intervention the better long term results, “after age eight years, significant changes in oppositional and defiant behavior are difficult to achieve”.

I really liked this website because it provided information in raising confident children, early childhood perspectives, international views, advocacy, and much more. The articles are helpful for teachers in guiding children, as well as in guiding parents. They have what they called a “supporting best practice” tab and “ research in practice” tab, I believe these are great because you are given strategies based on research that have demonstrated to be effective, making your practice a competent one.