Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 3 Blog

In my school, I’ve learned that I communicate differently with other people. The first strategy I would use is the Platinum Rule; I believe this it is a safe place to start off because you are being considerate and taking the effort and time to understand others’ thinking. The second strategy is not to generalize because it promotes stereotypes that are not always true. The third strategy is to welcome cultures from different backgrounds in my classroom and really get to know that child.  The world of the early childhood education could be surrounded by several strategies, but the real strategy that works best is to give you love to children and they will soon represent it verbally or nonverbally. 


  1. Elisa, I enjoyed reading your blog post this week. I think it's really important that all people learned to communicate differently with other people. I really like your strategy of giving the children love so they represent it verbally and nonverbally.

  2. Elisa,
    I too mentioned stereotyping. People are not all the same and doing so creates false opinions and gives incorrect information about people.
